Pet Surgery Prices
Below is a list of our affordable surgical procedures for pets. These prices include pre-anesthetic examination, anesthesia, pain relievers, and when necessary, antibiotics and an Elizabethan collar (cone of shame). Optional fees for pre-anesthetic bloodwork and histopathology (biopsies) are also noted. If there is a surgery your pet needs that is not posted, please reach out to us via phone or email with inquiries.
Limb Amputation
​Small Canine - $1000 (less than 25lbs)
Medium Canine - $1400 (26lb - 50lbs)
Large Canine - $1800 (51lbs - 100lbs)
Feline - $800
Tail Amputation
Canine - $750
Feline - $600
Toe Amputation
Canine - $750
Feline - $600
Hernia Repair
Umbilical hernia
Inguinal hernia (per side)
$575 per side
Enucleation (removal of eye)
Cherry Eye Repair
$425 (1 eye)
$700 (both eyes)
Entropion (Folding in of eyelid)
$425 (both eyelids)
Canine (less than 25lbs)
Canine (26lbs - 50lbs))
Canine (greater than 51lbs)
Stenotic Nares Repair (widening the nostrils)
Dental Cleaning
Dental Cleaning - scaling and polishing teeth under general anesthesia
Tooth Extraction (per tooth)
$15 (simple, single root tooth)
$35 (moderate, 2-rooted tooth)
$55 (complex, 3-rooted tooth)
$80 (canine tooth)
Foreign Body Removal
Foreign Body Removal
$1500 - $1800
*Subject to availability
Exploratory Surgery
Mass Removal
Mass removal (less than 1 inch)
Mass removal (1-3 inches)
Mass removal (3-6 inches)
Mass Removal (greater than 6 inch)
*Prices are based on the size of the incision.
Gastropexy/ Stomach Tacking (reduce the chance of GDV/Bloat)
Canine Neuter​ (less than 50lbs)
Canine Neuter​ (51lbs - 100lbs)
Canine Neuter​ (greater than 101lbs)
Feline Neuter
Cryptorchid Neuter (inguinal)
$50 add on per testicle
Cryptorchid Neuter (abdominal)
$175 add on per testicle ​
Scrotal ablation
$300 add on
Canine Spay (less than 25lbs)
Canine Spay (26lbs - 50lbs)
Canine Spay (51lbs - 100lbs)
Canine Spay (greater than 100lbs
Feline Spay
$150 ​
Cystotomy (Urinary Bladder Stone Removal)
Vulvoplasty (Removal of excess skin around the vagina to help prevent chronic UTIs)
Perineal Urethrostomy (PU) - (to help prevent recurrent urinary blockage in cats)
Additional/Optional Services
CBC/Chemistry (bloodwork)
$85 (if performed at least 48hrs prior surgery)
$120 (if performed same day in hospital)
Histopathology (biopsy)
*We reserve the right to decline or postpone any surgical procedure if deemed not in the best interest of the pet.